Saturday, February 24, 2007

Newbie Find: Tart Clothing

Sometimes I just wander around, Tp-ing to whatever strikes my fancy in my huge collection of landmarks, please excuse me if I drop in at your home while you're in a compromising position. Today my travels took me to Tart, an area with different boutiques set up, all under the Tart brand, for example, one boutique with tattoos, and another with a mobvend and lucky chair, instead of one huge mega-store which can get hard to navigate. Really, this area in general is neat.

Today I noticed that there was a boutique here dedicated to the ever present n00b. Anyone under 30 days old can get anything in that little shop for just $1L! And it's actually nice stuff! Also, those in need of cash can come and camp in the open area, there are 6 camping beanbags. I love it when designers think of the new people, it makes my heart all warm and fuzzy. Okay, myabe not really, but it is a nice gesture. I am older than 30 days so I couldn't model anything for you, but if you're a newbie and you're reading this, check it out!

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