Sunday, February 25, 2007

Show Me Yours: Boots!

I bring you a new feature, "Show Me Yours" where I ask you to show me what are your favorite items to wear.

This post is all about boots! Three beautiful ladies offered to show off their most treasured pair of boots and I'll give you the info to get your own.
First up is the lovely Bethanie Hansen who pulled out a wardrobe staple. Here are her legs modelling a very popular pair of boots by WRONG, they're $199L, come in 7 colors, as well as the fatpack with all the colors at $800L. You can pick up a pair by clicking on this link:
Second, we have cute lil Elle Kirshner. She too had a popular pair of boots that she adores, and they looked awesome on her. She picked these babies up at Shiny Things, they're $500L ($450L for the ones without laces) and come in 4 colors. See them for yourself here:

Last, but not least, is the red hot Cynthia Wheeler. She surprised me with her pick, but I can see why they're her faves. These Caliente Express boots have a lot of personality! They're $400L each and come in 8 sexy colors. Snatch up some for yourself:
Hope you enjoyed this type of post, I hope to do others in the future!

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